Wednesday, 11 May 2011 18:39

Reflux Desktop Client. Update v3.9.0.0

Version Update Importance: RECOMMENDED

New Features:

  1. Finally, you can now delete orders. You will need an administration password. Please get your store manager to contact us.
  2. Reflux now supports till receipt printers (Thanks go to IT Pioneers for supplying hardware for our testing proceedures)
    1. This feature comes with all new Reflux websites, existing websites will need to be upgraded for a small fee of £50 to cover the development time.
  3. Download link added to the support menu for remote assistance. We can connect to your computer, control it and fix problems remotely.
    1. You will need to accept the connection first! We cannot connect without your approval.

GUI User Interface Upgrades:

  1. We have added a modern gradient background to login and main screen
  2. The image on the login screen has been changed. (Note, if you would like the background image that features on the POS terminal we can supply it to you free of charge ;-) !)

Bug Fixes:

  1. Various minor bug fixes
  2. Improved stability

This is a free upgrade and will roll out automatically next time you start Reflux. Stay updated with our new features by subscribing to the RSS feed.

Note: After the update, remember to select your printer again or your orders may not print. From Reflux, go to "File" =>"Change Printer" then select your printer from the list and click "save"

Last Updated on Wednesday, 06 July 2011 16:44